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12 tactiques éprouvées pour booster votre marketing par e-mail dans le domaine du commerce électronique

If you have an eCommerce business, you already know how important email marketing is to promote your services. Email marketing is considered one of the most efficient and affordable ways to market for businesses of any size. With this type of marketing, you build a lasting relationship with your customer base by sharing special offers and discounts tailored for them. But it's not like all the emails you send to your customers will boost your sales. One has to craft the email to generate curiosity. Here are 12 proven tactics to boost your ecommerce email marketing. Implement each of them for your email marketing and be sure to see results.

1. Personnalisez vos messages

Customers are bombarded with email marketing on a daily basis. They get fed up with template styled emails and delete them right away without even opening. Personalizing and addressing your individual customer needs will make your marketing email stand out from the rest. You don’t have to write individual emails for each and everyone, you can do things like adding the customer name or show them offers for products they have interests in etc.


Subscriptions and monthly payments have been increasing as more customers are opting for this method. With RapidCents recurring payment solution, your customers will receive an automated reminder when their payments are due. You can also further customize these emails to reflect on your brand voice.

2. Segmentez votre public

No two customers are the same and as an ecommerce business owner you should know that more than anyone. Most of the popular ecommerce softwares like Shopify, for example, provides you with an in-depth analytical tool that tells you about varying interests of your customers. Before you start sending bulk marketing emails, make sure you create multiple versions of these emails each for different segments of your customers. In that way, you can cater to the varying interests of your customers.

3. Create Eye-catching Subject Lines

Subject line is the first thing that shows up when a customer receives an email notification. A subject line is a defining factor that decides if your email ends up in the trash or if it leads to a purchase. A subject line must be clear, concise and creative. Picture yourself in the shoes of your customer and imagine receiving an email with the subject line. Would you read it or delete it? As tempting as the words ‘free’ or ‘discount’ sounds, adding these words in the subject lines is not recommended because they trigger spam warnings and will be automatically marked as spam. You can find some words/phrases to avoid in your subject lines here.

4. Add a Call-to-Action Button

What is the point of sending a marketing email if the customer has no option to learn more. Rarely do customers look up the brand or product they received the email from. In order to make sure that the customer follows through the email, you have to add a CTA (call-to-action) button. With a CTA button, interested customers can be directed to the product page, sign-up form or even a landing page. Design the CTA buttons in a way they are visible and easy to click, don’t hide them along with the rest of the content.

5. Optimize for Smartphones

Emails are no longer accessed on a computer, they are almost always accessed via a smartphone. Mobile devices have evolved so much that they are capable of doing everything a PC can do. The only difference between a computer and your smartphone is the screen size. Since a mobile device has a smaller screen, not a lot of content can be displayed simultaneously. Hence it is recommended that while you craft your email marketing content, they are optimized for mobile viewing.

6. Marketing Analytics

Like every other form of marketing, email marketing is also very effective to analyze the performance of a strategy. Most email marketing softwares provide a plethora of analytical tools like number of opens, time of opening, sections of email that were most interacted etc. With these analysis you can keep track of your email marketing performance and if needed change content to suit what works best.

Email Marketing

7. Testing

As tempting as it may seem to send your bulk email marketing in a single go to all your customers, it is a wise decision to test it on a small group first. Specifically in email marketing strategies, there is something called the A/B testing. In this testing technique, you create two versions of your campaign, each of them will have the same message but will have different subject lines, content or even a different CTA button. You pick a small group of customers and send it to them. Learn from the analysis and then create a final version that you can confidently send to the rest of your customers. This way, you can create an email that will receive the highest interaction rate and in turn lead to a purchase.

8. Add Visuals

You have to know that your customers are busy with their own life and the last thing they want to do is read a lengthy email marketing. While you create a marketing email, add visual elements like images, GIFs, videos etc. to capture the customer’s attention. One of the most effective visuals is showcasing products with a limited offer and linking it directly to a shopping page for a seamless purchase experience.

9. Special Offers

Customers like to be valued, to be noticed and to be pampered with exclusive deals. To know that you are being taken care of by a business, makes the customer to frequent more purchases from the same place. Some of the most popular deals you can provide your customers are free shipping by using code provided in the email, specific discount for the people who receive an email etc.

10. Add Engaging Elements

In most of the email marketing campaigns, the content usually comprises a text and a visual element. You can step up the campaign a notch higher by including interactive elements like polls, surveys or even a small trivia. Adding an interactive element will make customers engage with your email. This can also provide you insights on various customer interests by means of polls.

11. Automated Emails

Email marketing softwares gives you plenty of options for automated emails. You can upload your email content and schedule a time or action to trigger the email to be sent. Some of the most common automated emails are, welcome email when someone signs up, abandoned cart items reminder and more. Automating emails helps save you a lot of time and resources.

12. Sense of Urgency

There is no better time to purchase than right now. By emphasizing that a limited time offer will expire if they are not claimed is a good marketing technique to initiate instant action. Adding phrases like ‘limited time offer’ or ‘last chance’ increase the interactions on your email. Customers never want to miss out on a great deal and they will purchase the product right away.


In short, email marketing is a necessity for running a successful ecommerce business. By utilizing the tactics that are presented in the blog, you will be able to create successful email marketing. And when that happens and sales start to soar, you will need a robust payment solution to process all the payment.

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