Traitement des paiements

21 août 2020

Zero Interest Credit Card Has Become Difficult To Get Amid Pandemic

Credit card is changing the ecosystem of online payment. It is quite evident that the number of credit card transaction is increased amid coronavirus outbreak. Offline merchants are facing major issues in the cash flow in their business. Therefore, they are making online shift in order deal with the present competitive situation. However, the scenario […]

Zero Interest Credit Card Has Become Difficult To Get Amid Pandemic Read More »

Le coronavirus a réduit le nombre de fraudes à la carte de crédit

Coronavirus has changed everything. Everything has positive as well as negative aspect and this is not an exception. Well, it is a fact that coronavirus pandemic has flattened the growth of small retail business. But, on the other side, it has mitigated the number of credit card frauds. According to a new report published by

Coronavirus Has Mitigated The Number Of Credit Card Frauds Read More »

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