Traitement des paiements

Authentification 3D Secure

In 2001, Visa launched 3D Secure (then called Verified-by-Visa), a measure for preventing fraud. 3D Secure Authentication, often known as payer authentication, is a security procedure for online credit and debit card transactions that helps to avoid fraud. It enables banks to verify a purchase by requesting additional information from the cardholder.

When you make an online card transaction, you can enable 3D Secure as an extra step. It optimizes both shopper and vendor security. Enabling 3D secure asks for a pin code, every time you make a purchase. 3D Secure, also known as 3 Domain Secure. The three domains are customer, merchant, and 3DS infrastructure platforms respectively.

How 3D secure works?

a guy dealing with some security issues

To ensure you are the card owner, 3DS determines whether additional safekeeping is necessary when you make an online transaction. Upon doing so, this directs to a 3DS page, where you’ll have to enter a password or PIN if required. Your bank produces a one-time PIN and delivers it to your phone through SMS at the same time. Before completing the transaction enter this pin.

  1. Payment done
  2. Directed to the 3D secure authentication page
  3. Checks for the password registered in advance
  4. Password Matches – Payment successful
  5. Password Wrong – Authentication error message

Avantages :

  • 3 Domain Secure adds an extra layer of protection for both you and your clients, preventing card information from being stolen and used online. It also guards against chargebacks for transactions that were not authorized. The 3 Domain Secure transfers the liability from the merchant to the issuing bank. This means you’ll save time and money by having fewer customer settlement issues.
  • 3-D Secure helps to lower online fraud, such as identity theft and illegal card use. It safeguards cardholder data and boosts client trust in your website.
  • You may check whether a buyer is a legitimate cardholder using 3D Secure. If a fraudster tries to make a purchase in your online store, 3 Domain Secure will stop them, and you won’t have to worry about chargebacks or disputes.
  • The fear caused due to scamming makes people hesitant towards online shopping. Customers are more eager to purchase through a site that employs 3D Secure, according to Verified by Visa, which says that their product promotes online shopping.

Vous n'êtes pas un commerçant Rapidcents ?

Every business that accepts credit cards is vulnerable to fraudulent acts. We hope this article has helped you in understanding the benefits of using 3D Secure Authentication. If you are ready to accept payments through a reliable payment processor including this authentication step, don’t worry. All you need to do is head to the Rapidcents page. This platform offers an online payment gateway, fraud prevention, and many more services. You will also receive 24×7 customer support. So, don’t you wait; visit Rapidcents today.

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